In Japan there is an ancient tradition known as Takefumi which means ‘Step on bamboo’. Google it! This is ancient practice used to massage feet is also a pleasurable sensory experience. Our Step–on Large Bamboo set has taken inspiration from this Japanese tradition and we have jumbo sized bamboo that is ideal for children to set up their own obstacle balance sensory Takefumi walk!
The large natural bamboo is soft for little bare feet and great for developing gross-motor co-ordination skills. The bamboo is also durable, yet light-weight so children can carry the pieces easily and create their own stepping design variations. Mixed with dramatic play there is endless fun to have dodging crocs and other dangers imagined!
This Step–on Large Bamboo set can also be used by children for multiple purposes including balancing on, building large ball runs or water courses. They are the perfect addition to an inspiring outdoor learning space. As an open-ended play resource it is also can be added to loose parts for children to create anything they can imagine!
This resource can be also combined with our Outdoor Wooden Sensory Walk/Balance Set to make the ultimate natural barefoot obstacle course sensory walk! There really is no limits to this wonderful open-ended natural resource!
Designed by an Australian Early Childhood Teacher and crafted in Indonesia
5 X Large Step on Bamboo: (Diameter 12-14cm) Length 50cm
8 X Large Step on Bamboo: (Diameter 12-14cm) Length 25cm
Total walking Length 4.5 metres